Announcements Feed is Now a Stable Core Module in Drupal 10.2.0

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Bram Driesen has announced that the Announcements Feed module, which was previously experimental in Drupal 10.1.0, has now become a stable core module in Drupal 10.2.0. This development enhances the Drupal core by providing users with a direct feed of project news from The Announcements Feed is integrated into the Drupal administrative toolbar, allowing site owners and editors to conveniently access essential information about upcoming Drupal features, important details for site owners, and support opportunities for the Drupal project through Drupal Association programs. Additionally, the module tracks read/unread status with cache tags and can be accessed via a link under the /admin route, as well as part of the module's help information. This update positively impacts site builders, administrators, and editors, enhancing their ability to stay informed and engaged with the Drupal community. 

Read a detailed update from Bram Dreisen released on 20 November 2023 here.

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