Drupal Advent Calendar 17: Help Topics Module Integration

Advent Calander

Amber Matz shares insights on the integration of the Help Topics module into Drupal Core 10.2.0, celebrating a long journey from its experimental status in Drupal 8 to its stable inclusion in the latest release. The module aims to enhance the user experience by providing in-app documentation, allowing end-users to access essential information without the need to identify specific modules beforehand. Through a detailed walkthrough for creating a help topic for James Shields' Advent Calendar module, Matz demonstrates the practical application of Help Topic Standards. Her comprehensive approach outlines the planning, structure, and content of the topic, emphasizing the importance of clear instructions, essential background information, and relevant links. Furthermore, Matz presents a contribution challenge to inspire others to actively participate in expanding help topics for Drupal projects, fostering a collaborative environment within the community.  

Title: Drupal Advent Calendar Day 17 - Help Topics
Byline: Amber Matz
Date of Publication: December 17, 2023
Organization: Published by James Shields (lostcarpark)
URL: https://lostcarpark.com/advent/2023/17/help-topics

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