Drupal Association's 2023 Highlights and Milestones

The Drupal Association in 2023 achieved significant milestones under the leadership of CEO Tim Doyle, adopting a comprehensive 3-year plan to foster innovation within the Drupal community, reach audiences beyond its core base, and increase support through fundraising efforts. The Association celebrated several notable events, including hosting Denaya Dennis from the Young African Leader Initiative, organizing successful DrupalCon gatherings in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Lille, France, and graduating the second of Discover Drupal at DrupalCon Pittsburgh. 

Key initiatives such as approving the Drupal Association Strategic Plan 2023-2025 and endorsing the Open Web Manifesto underscored the organization's commitment to advancing the open web. Adding new team members and board members and Drupal's debut at WebSummit marked further expansion and collaboration within the community. 

Furthermore, the Association collaborated with Joomla, Typo3, and WordPress in addressing the Cyber Resilience Act, demonstrating a collective stance on crucial industry matters.  

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