Shoot for the Stars: Drupal CMS 1.0.0 Officially Launched
The highly anticipated Drupal CMS 1.0.0 was officially launched in a live stream event on 15 January, marking a transformative milestone for the Drupal community. The event, attended by key contributors and enthusiasts worldwide, kicked off at 11:00 AM ET with an introduction by Tim Lehnen, who reflected on the philosophy behind the project and its vision to revolutionize Drupal's future. Lehnen highlighted the meticulous efforts of the global Drupal community and even showcased a copy of the Apollo Project’s Operations Order, drawing parallels with "Project Starshot," as described by Drupal founder Dries Buytaert during his Driesnote in DrupalCon Portland, Oregon, USA in May 2024.

The live stream wasn’t the only highlight—Drupal launch parties erupted worldwide, with celebratory gatherings on every continent except Antarctica. Video snippets from these gatherings were shared throughout the event, bringing unity and excitement to the worldwide audience.

After a short video featuring pre-recorded messages from Drupal CMS track leads, Tim Doyle, CEO of the Drupal Association, and Dries Buytaert, Founder and Project Lead of Drupal, joined live from Boston’s Mission Control.
"This release represents the collective effort of our global community all working together to make the web more open and accessible. It demonstrates the incredible power of open source collaboration to transform how we build for the web,"
remarked Tom Doyle.

In an engaging address, Buytaert praised contributors' personal and collective efforts in making Drupal CMS 1.0.0 a reality. The launch was broadcast live, followed by a humorous moment as Buytaert briefly misplaced his glasses, adding a light-hearted touch to the occasion.
With Drupal CMS, we're making powerful web development accessible to more content creators, marketers, and web managers. This is the first exciting step in our three-year strategy to make Drupal CMS the gold standard for no-code website building. Organizations will no longer need to choose between ease of use and the ability to grow,
reiterated Dries Buytaert.
The live stream chat buzzed with attendees discussing Drupal CMS's future potential. The event celebrated the culmination of eight months of dedicated community work, concluding with visuals of jubilant launch parties, symbolizing the beginning of an exciting new era for Drupal.
With Drupal CMS 1.0.0 now live, the community stands ready to embrace its promising future. For those who poured their hearts into this project, it’s time to celebrate a well-done job. Here's to the dawn of Drupal's next chapter!

For all of us at The Drop Times, it was a sweet moment to witness being thanked at the culminating slide of the launch event, hand-in-hand with major players who helped shape Drupal CMS. As the community voice, this recognition humbles us and encourages us to deliver even more.
If you missed the live stream, do not be heartbroken. The Drupal Association YouTube channel has a recording of the event.