
Drupal Global Contribution Weekend - Saturday 28 January 2023 at the SparkFabrik headquarters in Milan!

Are you a vintage drupalist or a wannabe? Do you want to participate in the Drupal Global Contribution Weekend Italy?

What is it about?

Drupal was created by people for people all over the world. The idea is to meet at an international level, organized by local groups and contribute in different ways by supporting one of the largest and longest-lived open source communities (active for another 20 years!).

In short, by participating in the event, you contribute to the entire Drupal community. How? Developing patches, new core and module features, then writing code. But not only:

  • Why not help translate documentation into your native language? (We also welcome drupalists of other nationalities on Italian territory 😊)
  • Or are you good at writing it, the documentation? There is much to be done on this front.
  • Do you work in marketing? We need you - ideas to promote Drupal are welcome.
  • Are you a developer/frontend developer? Great: Drupal is not only backend, but also a lot of frontend code that needs to be maintained.

There is a lot to do in different fields: open source code requires constant maintenance, improvements and patches.

Regardless of your level of knowledge, we are sure there is something for everyone to do!

πŸ—“ When?
Saturday 28 January, 09:30 – 17:30 CET

πŸ“ Where?
Register your presence here!

We will host up to a maximum of 20 people in the SparkFabrik headquarters in Via Gustavo Fara 9 in Milan, the others will be able to follow remotely (we will understand the technical details later by coordinating ourselves on the Drupal Association's #drupal-italy slack channel).

A message from SparkFabric, who kindly offers their premises:

SparkFabrik is more than happy to host this event in its spaces in Milan: let it be the beginning of a return to the liveliness of the historical community with the hope of seeing new faces

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