
This night will feature the Composable Web Architecture, which uses multiple pieces to construct a web application.

First Talk: Build a fully decoupled application with Drupal and Astro
First Speaker: Vincenzo Gambino

The Astro web framework and the Drupal PHP Content Framework (CMF) can create powerful and flexible web applications. We will set up Drupal to manage our content and provide APIs for your Astro application, and we will explore the basic web service configuration for Drupal. Astro will then be used to build our web application's front end. We will see how to create queries to retrieve content using the Drupal API. Finally, we will set up dynamic routes to handle content.

Second Talk: Getting Started Building Web Apps with Laravel Livewire
Second Speaker: German Gamboa Gonzalez

German will introduce Laravel Livewire and demonstrate how it can be leveraged to build a web application. Livewire is a full-stack framework for the PHP-based Laravel framework that makes building dynamic interfaces simple.

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