Events This Week

2022 December 12-18

To the Drupal Community, here are few events and online webinars taking place this week! This week also marks the launch of Drupal 10. If you want to be apart of the launch party click here to find out more about where and when they will be held.

Design Feedback Meetup

Evolving web is hosting a Design 'Feed Back Meetup'. Join them for a casual evening where you get to present your latest design work and get constructive feedback from other designers. You will have 5-10 minutes to talk about your work, whether a new app, website, type, poster or anything related to UX and visual design. You can also Highlight challenges on the project and be open to feedback or suggestions from attendees.

Boston Drupal Group Monthly Meetup

The monthly meetup of Drupal Group Boston for December 2022 will be on 14th Wednesday from 7 pm to 9 pm ET. Join the Boston Drupal Group for a night of Drupal focused conversations, presentations and talks form our members.

Drupal10 Release Party in Pune

Join the regional summit for the Drupal 10 Launch Party on 14th December 2022 at 7:00 pm IST. The in-person meetup will take place in East Court, Phoenix Market City, Viman Nagar, Pune. The group will celebrate the release of Drupal 10. Attendees will be having some sessions about the new and shiny things in Drupal 10 over pizzas and soft drinks and some in-person chit-chat.

D10 Launch Party by Salsa Digital

Salsa Digital has moved their regular December Melbourne Drupal Meetup to dedicate the Meetup session to a Drupal 10 launch — on the official global D10 release day. They are also launching CivicTheme, which represents their biggest open source contribution to Drupal yet. They are supplying a great venue, drinks, snacks and pizza and a celebratory cake. So join them for the launch on 15 December!

Acquia Webinar on Customer Data Platform

Acquia on December 16, 2022, is hosting a Webinar on 'No More Customer Data Blind Spots: The Power Of Customer Data Platform'. In this Webinar, David Donatelli, Lead Solutions Engineer for Acquia Customer Data Platform, will be giving an overview of the Acquia Customer Data Platform and answering Live Questions at 12:30 am GMT. Tune in to learn how Customer Data Platforms drive revenue, boost profitability and increase lifetime value for brands. It helps you to unify and understand Data as well as orchestrate data across the entire business ecosystem 

D10 Launch Party and Drupal Training Day by ICFOSS

International Centre for Free and Open-Source Software Kerala is conducting a Drupal 10 launch party and imparting Drupal training on first-cum-first-serve basis for 40 participants on Saturday, 17th of this month. Zyxware Technologies is the technical partner for the event while TDT is the media partner. Details are here.  

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