Seamless Migration from WordPress to Drupal: Altudo and Acquia Webinar

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Altudo and Acquia have joined forces to present an enlightening webinar that delves into the intricacies of migrating from WordPress to Drupal. The event will take place on 29th August at 1 p.m. ET. The event offers a blend of expert insights and real-world experiences.

The primary objective is to offer a comprehensive understanding of the migration process and an in-depth exploration of the technical aspects of moving from WordPress to Drupal. Attendees can expect a breakdown of key technical considerations, best practices, and actionable solutions to potential hurdles. With experts from Altudo and Acquia, participants can anticipate a practical approach that demystifies the migration process and instills confidence. The main speakers are Karthik Kumar, Technical Drupal Architect at Altudo, Kara Hall, Product Marketing Manager at Acquia, and Venkatesan Subramanian, Vice President of Drupal Practice - Delivery.

Open to all interested individuals, the webinar facilitates learning and provides an opportunity to connect with peers, share experiences, and embark on the migration journey well-prepared. Secure your participation by registering through the official website.

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