Northern's Expert Insights on Extended Drupal 7 End-of-Life

Drupal 7 end of life

Northern Digital Solutions acknowledges that transitioning from Drupal 7 to a more current version is a complex endeavour for many. The blog provides a balanced perspective on the extension, acknowledging its potential benefits for those requiring more time to migrate. However, it also highlights the need for a proactive approach to ensure continued website security and functionality in the long run.

The blog outlines that while the extension provides temporary relief, organisations need to view it as an opportunity to evaluate their digital strategy holistically. It encourages organisations to assess their migration plans, consider the benefits of upgrading to Drupal 8 or 9, and plan for the eventual shift. By taking this comprehensive approach, organisations can address immediate concerns and ensure a sustainable and future-proof digital presence.

Northern's blog provides a practical perspective on extending Drupal 7's EOL (extended to January 5, 2025). It emphasises the importance of informed decision-making, urging businesses to leverage the extension period for a strategic migration to newer Drupal versions, focusing on maintaining security, functionality, and forward-looking digital strategies. For a detailed read, visit the blog page.

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