Halloween Drupal Migration Stories by Benji Fisher

In a Halloween-themed treat, Tag1 Consulting recently shared two spooky Drupal migration stories through episode #102 of Tag1 Team Talks, a podcast series hosted by Michael Meyers. Michael is the managing director at Tag1 Consulting. The podcast is parallely telecasted on Tag1's YouTube channel too. 

The episode released on 25 October 2023 features Benji Fisher, a renowned Drupal contributor, who recounted these hair-raising tales, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right tools and techniques for successful migrations.

The first eerie tale unfolds in 2019, involving a government website project with a tight deadline. Initially, the team planned to use the unstable feeds module for Drupal 8, a decision that sent shivers down their spines given the project's complexity. In a daring move, Benji opted for the more reliable Migrate API to manage the complex XML data structure, ultimately saving the day.

The second spine-chilling story is set in 2013-2014, during the implementation of HTTPS on a Learning Management System (LMS). Benji had to convince the client that HTTPS wouldn't harm performance while dealing with the curse of hardcoded HTTP URLs in JavaScript activities. He devised a clever shell script to swiftly vanquish this issue.

These stories highlight the unpredictable challenges of platform and data migration, stressing the importance of choosing the right tools and techniques, even when facing formidable adversaries.

For an in-depth explanation of these tales, watch the video embedded below: 


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