Top Fifteen Governments and Agencies That Use Drupal Extensively 

150+ countries use Drupal for their government websites and for intergovernmental agencies. E-governance is taking off at an exponential scale providing citizen-centric digital services especially with Drupal and other open-source digital tools.

While some governments and governmental agencies use Drupal as their digital platform, some governments prefer to create their own distribution of Drupal. For instance, Australia has created a Drupal distribution called GovCMS, Bhutan has its own distribution, many states in the U.S like Arizona have their own distribution, LocalGov distribution of Drupal is gaining popularity in the U.K. Some German Drupal websites use deGov distribution.

Countries that Use Drupal Extensively for Their Government Websites

Here are fifteen countries that have used Drupal extensively to provide digital people-friendly services to their citizens. They have been taken from Government Sites that use Drupal list and are in no particular order.

  1. US
  2. Germany
  3. Australia
  4. UK
  5. Belgium
  6. Bhutan
  7. Canada
  8. France
  9. India
  10. Netherlands
  11. NewZealand
  12. Bhutan
  13. Venezuela
  14. Thailand
  15. Estonia

What are the Drupal Features that Help Governments Provide Better Digital Services?

Secure: With Drupal’s committed one million developers scattered all around the world, Drupal has 24x7 scrutiny and security fixes are called out and addressed immediately.

Flexible: The free and open-source nature of Drupal helps reduce the cost of development and longevity of the sites.

Accessible: Drupal’s AA WCAG compliant themes and offerings help serve the citizens with all spectrum of needs.

Scalable: Multi-site functionality allows for fast and easier deployment of departmental-specific sites where there will be centrally managed content while still giving independence to each agency and department.

Multilingual: Governments can provide citizen-friendly services in indigenous languages while still maintaining the centrality of the content provided.

Top Ten Countries Using Drupal CMS

Drupal Countrywise Usage Image

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