How IMBA Built Their Own Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Platform in Drupal 9

Dig In! how IMBA built their own peer-to-peer fundraising platform in Drupal 9
Drupal Association YouTube

Thanks to financial support from corporate partners, the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) is able to help grassroots mountain bike organizations across the country create, protect, and enhance more trails close to home.

IMBA leverages Drupal webforms, Drupal views, Drupal permission controls, and CiviCRM to keep the application process, matching funds, donations, and reporting all in one place. This puts user activities and fundraising metrics side-by-side all the other functions and giving opportunities that already exist in their system. Since launching the platform, over 1,000 individuals have donated over $150,000 to local projects across the country.

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