Chris Free
Chris is the President, Chief Executive Partner at Chromatic.
Chris has been designing and building websites since 1998, and doing so professionally since 2006, when he graduated from Bradley University with a degree in Multimedia. As President, Chris focuses on helping shape Chromatic’s strategy, capture new business, and refine team culture. He practices a lead-by-example management style and believes strongly in transparency, both internally and externally.
Throughout Chris’ career he has worked across the stack — from the early days of designing pages in Photoshop, to contributing to open-source Drupal modules, and even configuring web servers with Ansible. More recently, he has begun writing apps for iOS as a way of keeping abreast of emerging technologies as well as scratching his own creative itch.
Chris has spoken publicly about the challenges in running a digital agency, keeping remote workers engaged, and on the values of networking in your career. In early 2020, he began coaching other business leaders in tech.