Jess (xjm)
Jess or xjm has been on Drupal for over 15 years with over 1000 documentations. She is a Drupal core release manager at Acquia. She is an expert at web development, tech support, research and restoration ecology.
Jess has been a Drupal core committer, security team member, Drupal core initiative coordinator, mentoring coordinator, Drupal core sub-system maintainer, project contributor and Documentation editor. She is a developer, mentor and Tiger herder. She has been credited on 42 security advisories and 185 issue fixes in the last year.
She has been a part of multiple DrupalCons and was a Drupal 8 committer. She has contributed patches, Drupal modules, automated texts and helps mentor new contributors. She has also worked on multiple Documentation guides like core release cycle, core change policies and more.