Salsa Digital
Salsa Digital is a digital agency focused on open source for social good and innovation. Salsa Digital has its headquarters in Melbourne, Australia. Committed to the open-source movement and to the communities that form such an integral part of that movement, they are actively involved in both the Drupal and GovCMS communities at different levels, such as contributing back code and hosting Drupal meetups.
Salsa Digital focuses mainly on helping the Australian government drive change, become more efficient and better engage with citizens and industry through their websites. Services include Govtech, Civic tech, open data, the whole of government platforms, Digital service standards, design systems, design thinking, Open APIs, website development, headless CMS, mobile applications, Content Management systems, and static web.
Salsa Digital provides services in Drupal, ckan, WordPress, GovCMS, Single Digital Presence, Lagoon, Merlin, QuantCDN, Laravel.
Salsa Digital is a Premium Supporting Drupal Association Partner and a Silver Drupal Certified Partner.