Tearyne D. Almendariz

Tearyne D. Almendariz's passion for all things Japan and Sailor Moon led her to become a front-end developer with a focus on accessibility and usability. She has designed, prototyped, and coded user interfaces and worked on teams small and large. One time she even converted Coldfusion sites to React Apps -- and lived to tell the tale.

Tearyne or NineLivesBlackCat is currently employed as a developer advocate at Pantheon. She previously worked for Lullabot (Support & Maintenance) and Bright Plum (frontend developer). She serves as the lead of the Drupal Diversity and Inclusion Initiative in the Drupal open source community and she is a Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies with the International Association of Accessibility Professionals.

She has been part of the Drupal community for over 6 years and is an expertise in accessibility, site-building and front end development. She has designed, prototyped, and coded user interfaces and worked on teams small and large.

She has been credited for over 20 issue fixes and has contributed to Drupal.org, Drupal patches and Drupal issue queues. She also help mentor new contributors.

Tearyne is an interdisciplinary-trained frontend web developer, dedicating her craft to the development of accessible, interactive experiences that deliver a company's brand message.

Tearyne is an avid volunteer in the DFW Tech and Engineering scene, having served for nearly four years with Black Girls Code as a Tech Assistant and as a CORE Team Lead of the Dallas CORE team. She currently serves on the board of the Texas Organizing Project.

Her background includes user experience and user interface design and development, web consulting for small businesses, and intercultural communication. Specialties include accessibility, user experience research, and usability principles.

About The Organization