Videos About Drupal 10 Features

gold paper cut out of number 10

Nowadays, one of the best ways to learn is through videos. For anyone longing to know more about the Drupal 10 features, here are a few videos at your disposal.

Project Browser Initiative

Package Manager: Powering Automatic Updates and Project Browser to Drupal's easy Composer future

CKEditor 5 in Drupal 10

Everything You Wanted to Know about CKEditor 5 and Drupal, But Afraid to Ask

Reimagining Text Editing in Drupal Core: CKEditor 5

Drupal 10 from the POV of a Symfony 6 core-contributor

Intro to Layout Paragraphs

All the cool things you can do when you don’t support IE11

How Drupal 10 Will Make You Fall in Love with Drupal Theming

Composer 1 to Composer 2

PHP 7 to PHP 8 with Composer


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