Study Professional Module Development from DrupalEasy

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DrupalEasy has announced their newest long-form course; Professional Module Development. This latest professional development program  debuts January 31, 2023.

The course is designed as two versions; the full version accommodates those who are looking for a complete foundation of module development topics, while the lite version serves those who need only the core topics of the course. Both the full and lite versions cover topics including plugins, services and dependency injection, custom forms, Drupal hooks, as well as the Drupal Batch and Queue APIs. The lite version runs about 60 hours. 

The cost for the full version of the course is $3,500 (lite version is $2,500). Special rates are available for Drupal Career Online alumni, non-profit organizations, and groups of 3 or more students.

Source: DrupalEasy
Course Instructors: Mike Anello and Albert Volkman

Author and architect for the PMD, (and Drupal Career Online) Michael Anello (ultimike), infused his 15+ years of experience as a full-time Drupal developer and trainer into Professional Module Development, crafting it in the same thoughtful and methodical way to ensure aspiring Drupal module developers can master the necessary skills to serve their clients and the Drupal community in the most effective manner possible. 

TDT had the opportunity to converse with Michael Anello via slack and ask a few questions regarding the course.

TDT: Why should people opt for this course and what outcome should they expect?

"The course covers a wide range of Drupal development topics including dependency injection, services, and various Drupal APIs, but it also covers IDE setup, code quality tools, caching, and writing PhpUnit tests. During the course, both PhpStorm and Visual Studio Code are used, as well as both DDEV and Lando.

We don't only teach the concepts, but we provide the reasoning behind why each concept is important and what problem it solves. The course is focused around the creation of several related custom modules in a manner that demonstrates the various topics covered by the course.

The majority of the lessons in the 90 hours of curriculum revolve around the creation of several custom modules that the students will build as the course progresses.

TDT: Who is this course directed towards?

The course is designed for folks with a cursory knowledge of Drupal module development who want to take their skills to the next level. This course is for folks who know some PHP and rudimentary basics of Drupal module development, but lack the confidence to take on more complex tasks.

The goal of this course is to take beginner-level Drupal module developers and teach them the skills for them to have the confidence to be a full-time module developer.

The course is also designed for folks with knowledge of Drupal 7 module development, but want to modernize their skills for Drupal 9, 10, and beyond.

For students who can't attend all 90 hours of class, each class period is recorded and made available to current students for review at their convenience.

TDT: Is this course also inclusive of the release of the new Drupal 10 version?

Yes, the course is up-to-date with Drupal 10, and includes learning and using code quality tools that assist with finding and correcting code deprecations as they are introduced.

The full 90-hour version expands further into topics like developer tools (PhpStan, phpcs), IDEs (both Visual Studio Code and PhpStorm), using Xdebug with DDEV and Lando, Drupal events, custom Drush commands, and caching.

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