Stay Tuned for Interview with John Jameson | DrupalCamp NJ
"When I entered the accessibility field, one of the first things I noticed was how much time I was spending teaching people the same basic skills, over and over"
says John Jameson in his recent interview with TDT.
The subject of accessible tools became a major focus for Princeton University's Digital Accessibility Developer John Jameson, and TDT's goal was to delve a little deeper into it. TDT is a media partner for DrupalCamp NJ 2023, and we are looking to receive a few interviews from the participants of the Camp.
Our Interview with John Jameson will be the first in the series. We shall be publishing more interviews in the coming days. Most of these interviews are conducted via slack or email by the TDT team.
Stay Tuned for the Interview to be released on Saturday, March 04, 2023.
Edit: Here is the link to the published interview.