Reasons Why Drupal is a Favorite for Universities and Colleges


An article published by Portage Cybertech on March 06, 2023, discusses the benefits of choosing Drupal as a content management system (CMS) for universities and colleges. It highlights several reasons prestigious institutions prefer Drupal, such as its flexibility, scalability, and security. The article mentions that over 26% of .edu domain sites use Drupal, with 71% of the top universities, including Oxford, MIT, and Stanford, opting for this CMS.

One advantage of Drupal is its robust multisite capabilities, allowing universities to manage multiple domains and sites from a single installation. It simplifies governance, reduces costs, and ensures brand consistency. Drupal's multisite feature enables the quick creation of new sites, saving time and resources.

The article also emphasizes Drupal's accessibility advantage, enabling universities to provide accessible experiences for users with disabilities. Additionally, Drupal offers a responsive design that adapts to various devices, enhancing user experience.

Furthermore, Drupal supports multilingual education experiences, which is crucial for universities with international student populations. The CMS provides a ready-to-use multilingual feature, facilitating content personalization and saving time and money.

Lastly, the article highlights Drupal's robust security measures, regular security fixes, and a peer-reviewed codebase meeting global standards. Compared to WordPress or SharePoint, Drupal has significantly fewer reported vulnerabilities.

Overall, the article presents Drupal as a comprehensive CMS solution that addresses the specific needs of universities and colleges, offering flexibility, accessibility, scalability, multilingual support, and robust security. Click here to read the article.

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