VLSuite 1.1.0-rc4 Release Elevates Drupal Layout Builder Experience

Visual Layout Suite

The Visual Layout Suite (VLSuite) project, a content editing experience built upon Drupal Core’s Layout builder, released its latest release candidate version, 1.1.0-rc4, on September 21, 2023. VLSuite aims to elevate the site-building and content-creation process to new heights, enhancing the Layout Builder’s capabilities out of the box.

With a focus on delivering maximum value with minimal technical knowledge required, VLSuite introduces the “VLSuite Shuttle” option, which enables site builders to swiftly create landing pages from scratch by automating the installation of all necessary modules and configurations.

This release significantly improves the user experience and user interface (UX/UI), including a live preview of appearance variants applied by utilities.

VLSuite continues to offer a What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG) experience at both the layout and content levels, making it a powerful tool for content creators and site builders. Additionally, the module provides a set of highly configurable layouts, basic blocks, and compound collection blocks with extensible preset variants, including Hero, Card, Gallery, and Statement/Quote. Editors can leverage these blocks to create engaging and customizable content effortlessly.

VLSuite’s use of utility classes, which are self-descriptive CSS classes applied to achieve specific styles, offers flexibility and independence from the theme or CSS framework used.

What is a Release Candidate?

Release Candidate (RC) is the build released internally to check if any critical problems have gone undetected into the code during the previous development period. Release candidates are NOT for production deployment, but they are for testing purposes only. However, in most of the cases, there are no differences between the final build and the last release candidate.


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