Simplify Drupal Updates with GitHub Actions

Keeping Drupal core and contributed modules up to date can be a daunting task for project teams. Vallic has shared a blog post on simplifying Drupal updates using GitHub Actions.

Maintaining Drupal websites involves tracking regular updates, but the process can become overwhelming if not managed effectively. Manually updating at set intervals may lead to missing critical updates, causing a backlog of upgrades that can be quite challenging.

To address this issue and streamline updates, Vallic has implemented a "Drupal Composer updates" GitHub action. This automation process ensures that incremental updates are handled efficiently, making it easier to stay current with Drupal core and third-party contributed modules.

This action is designed to automate incremental updates, ensuring that updates can be performed regularly, leading to minor, manageable updates. The smaller updates are easier to review and merge, streamlining the process.

Setting up the GitHub action is a straightforward process. Teams can use examples on the project page to configure their GitHub action. This automation not only eases the burden of manual updates but also ensures that the website remains secure and up-to-date.

For a detailed insight into Vallic's approach to automating Drupal updates with GitHub Actions, read the full blog post.

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