Hands-On Guide: Upgrading to Drupal 10 with Insights from Jan Polzer

Updated to Drupal 10

The article by Jan Polzer shares practical insights into upgrading to Drupal 10 based on his extensive hands-on experience. Unlike past major version transitions, Drupal's recent updates, particularly from version 8 to 9 and now to 10, aim to make the process more straightforward. Polzer notes that the shift from Drupal 8 to 9 involved addressing deprecated API calls, and the move to Drupal 10 primarily focuses on working with settings in the administration, requiring fewer developer modifications.

Polzer highlights key changes in Drupal 10, such as the introduction of CKEditor 5 and the Claro administration interface. While acknowledging the adjustment period, he emphasizes the importance of these updates for improved functionality. Additionally, Polzer advises users to discard deprecated modules, including RDF, Quick Edit, and CKEditor 4, before upgrading to Drupal 10, ensuring a smooth transition and optimal performance.

The developer also shares tips on addressing challenges during the upgrade, such as the need for code adjustments like using core_version_requirement notation and providing content access control in EntityQuery calls. Polzer recommends using the Upgrade Status module to assess Drupal's readiness for the upgrade, check server compatibility, and identify potential issues with modules and themes. He concludes by emphasizing the manageable complexity of transitioning to Drupal 10, anticipating that Drupal 11 is on the horizon, and Drupal 10 will be supported for the coming years. Read more here.

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