Tracking oEmbed Media in Drupal: A Matomo Guide for Effective Analytics

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Edouard's blog post, featured on Happy Culture on May 15, 2023, explores the critical aspect of tracking actions on oEmbed media in Drupal using Matomo for a more robust continuous improvement and eco-design process. Edouard emphasizes the challenges posed by oEmbed media integration in terms of security and the inability to directly interact with embedded content, shedding light on the intricate process of utilizing Matomo Event Tracking to measure user engagement. 

The blog provides a step-by-step guide, addressing issues related to Javascript injection in iframes, security considerations with window.postMessage(), and the ultimate integration of Matomo for comprehensive event tracking. Edouard's practical approach and detailed code snippets make this blog a valuable resource for web developers seeking to enhance the analytics of their Drupal websites.

Read more here.

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