Matt Glaman Details Practical Dependabot Configuration for Drupal and PHP Projects

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In a comprehensive blog post, Matt Glaman details his Dependabot configuration for Drupal and other PHP projects. The post outlines his experience leveraging Dependabot on GitHub, emphasizing the significant improvements made to the service over the years, particularly in supporting dependencies managed by Composer. 

Glaman’s configuration includes defining ecosystems such as GitHub Actions, Composer, and NPM, specifying update schedules, setting up ignore rules to avoid major version bumps, and grouping related dependency updates. 

He provides examples for a Drupal site, a Laravel application with a Vue.js frontend, and a monorepo containing a backend API and single-page application frontend, demonstrating a practical implementation of the configuration. Matt Glaman's blog post serves as a resource for developers seeking to streamline dependency management within their projects.  

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