Drupal 11.0.0-alpha 1 Release: Updates and Roadmap

Gábor Hojtsy, in a blog post on Drupal.org, announced that Drupal 11.0.0-alpha 1 is scheduled for release during the week of April 29, 2024. Initially slated for either July 29, 2024, or December 9, 2024, depending on codebase readiness, the release date has been refined due to significant progress in the Drupal 11 codebase. Built on Symfony 7 and jQuery 4, the new version removes deprecated APIs and progresses rapidly with PHPUnit 10 support. 

However, to ensure a smooth transition, the update to PHPUnit 10 must be completed before the beta release, leading to the decision to release the alpha version first. With an aim for stability, the community plans to resolve any remaining issues by May 10th and subsequently release the beta version, setting the stage for the stable Drupal 11.0.0 release on the week of April 29, 2024.

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