Exploring Day Two: DrupalCon Portland 2024

DrupalCon Portland 2024
AmyJune Hineline

DrupalCon Portland 2024 is in full swing, and the second day, May 7, promises an engaging lineup of notable sessions and events that cater to a wide range of interests within the Drupal community. The day starts with a highly anticipated keynote by Alex Salkever on "Open Source AI Now: Why Open Must Win the AI War," exploring the critical role of open-source technologies in shaping the future of AI.  Subsequently, the Drupal Association Public Board Meeting will take place, featuring prominent community leaders like Tim Doyle, Tiffany Farriss, and Owen Lansbury, who will discuss upcoming projects and respond to inquiries from the attendees.

The day continues with several parallel sessions where participants can explore various technical subjects, including the latest updates on Drupal 11 presented by Gábor Hojtsy, and engage in discussions about sustainable web practices and the customization of digital experiences. Additionally, the Women in Drupal Luncheon will focus on women's unique challenges in the tech industry. Evening events will offer valuable networking opportunities, including the Portland Drupal User Group Happy Hour and the Acquia Social at Punch Bowl Social. The comprehensive agenda for the day highlights DrupalCon's ongoing dedication to promoting professional growth and community involvement among its participants.

Disclosure: This content is produced with the assistance of AI.

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