Vote by November 4: DrupalSouth Steering Committee 2024 Election Underway

Vote by November 4 DrupalSouth Steering Committee 2024 Election Underway

The DrupalSouth Steering Committee has announced the election process for the 2024 committee, encouraging participation from members of the Australian and New Zealand Drupal community. Voting is open until midnight AEDT on November 4, 2024. The committee aims to drive events and initiatives in the region, with a strong focus on community engagement and leadership.

Candidates standing for election include;

The election will determine one additional seat on the committee, which will be filled by the candidate receiving the highest number of votes, regardless of gender or location. This process underscores the commitment to inclusivity and representation within the committee.

As per the original election guidelines, the two New Zealand nominees, Dallas Ramsden and Chris Burgess, will automatically assume their seats on the committee, ensuring representation for New Zealand. Additionally, the only two female nominees, Margery Tongway and Julia Topliss, will also automatically secure their positions. Margery's term will end in November 2026, while Julia's will conclude in May 2027, both maintaining staggered terms for continuity.

Candidates who do not secure a seat in this election are encouraged to volunteer for working groups and other DrupalSouth initiatives, fostering a collaborative environment. Members of the community are urged to review the candidate profiles and participate in the voting process before the deadline. Submit your vote here. (While your email address is required to limit your vote to one response, no details of your personal vote will be shared publicly.)

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