NWDUG Meets on March 8, 2022: Peter Fisher to Talk About PHPStan
North West Drupal User Group (NWDUG) will be meeting up online on Tuesday, March 8th at 7:00 PM GMT. Peter Fisher, a UK-based contract PHP Developer will be talking on the topic, “Code with confidence using PHPStan”.
Peter Fisher is the host of the YouTube channel, ” How To Code Well” where many programming languages are taught. He is also a member of the live coders' Twitch team.
NWDUG is based in Manchester, United Kingdom, and has around 366 members registered in the group. The organizers of the group include Philip Norton, Richard S., Michael T., and Andrew J. The group meets every second Tuesday of a month to talk about Drupal CMS.
With the release of PHP 8 and recently version 8.1, the use of static analysis has increased in popularity. While for new projects, the use of static analysis is great to keep code clean and conformative, how can we use it on legacy projects. This will be part of the discussion and how PHPStan can increase developer confidence when building upon code bases.
To get the link to the meet: https://www.meetup.com/nwdrupal/events/283808251/