Testing Automatic Updates: An Oppurtunity to Contribute
Drupal Core Developer Ted Bowman had asked volunteers to test Automatic Updates on the weeks leading to DrupalCon Europe. A lot of testing had been done during the conference. Still, a little more testing would be good. Here is how, you can help:
If you can test on your hosted Drupal try:
Automatic updates 8.x-2.x testing guide for hosting environments
Thank you for testing Automatic Updates! In this round of testing we are interested in running Automatic Updates on hosting providers such as Bluehost, SiteGround, Dreamhost, GoDaddy, etc. These instructions describe how to install the Automatic Updates module into a Drupal site and test using it to update Drupal core. Please report your test result when finished. Prerequisites A hosting account at a provider such as Bluehost, SiteGround, Dreamhost, GoDaddy, etc. Access to the terminal (command line). PHP 7.3 or later.
If you want to test locally:
Automatic Updates 8.x-2.x testing guide for local environments
Thank you for beta testing! These instructions describe how to install the Automatic Updates module into a Drupal site, and use it to update Drupal core. Please report your test result when finished. Pre-Requisites Access to the command line. PHP 7.3 or later: run php --version or visit /admin/reports/status/php in your Drupal site to confirm what version is installed. Composer 2.3.5 or later. Run composer --version to find out what version of Composer you have. If it's older than 2.3.5, run composer self-update --2.
If you want to test in the browser(via gitpod):
GitPod: 8.x-2 testing instructions
Thank you for beta testing! These instructions describe how to install the Automatic Updates module into a Drupal site, and use it to update Drupal core. These are specific for using GitPod for those at Drupalcon. For the regular beta instructions use [#3275810] Start with this GitPod Clone site: https://gitpod.io#snapshot/a143ea45-5a11-4bcb-9ebf-d5d2d1f3baad Drupal will already be installed with user: admin password: drupalcon This has a Drupal core version and that needs to be Updated. It already has Automatic Updates enabled.
Running PHPUnit Javascript tests
Running functional JavaScript tests with WebDriver As of Drupal 8.5.0 or later we can now use WebDriver for functional JavaScript testing. Requirements: Base install of Drupal 9 or higher. Google Chrome or Chromium. chromedriver (tested with 2.45). PHP 7.1 or higher. See Running PHPUnit tests for how to set up your own phpunit.xml for testing. Note that beyond the database and site URL information no other customizations are necessary.
Source: Drupal #contribute Slack Channel