Understanding “The Why” in Accessibility

22 Feb 2025, 3:30 am
45 minutes

If you or someone you work with has ever asked you these types of questions:

Why do we work to make things accessible?
What's the point of making this change only to be accessible?
Why can't I just make that accessibility fix later?
...or anything similar, this talk is right for you.

What is "the why" you may ask? It's knowing how and why our accessibility improvements make the web better for users with disabilities. It's always a good thing to understand why we do what we do to make things accessible. Let's explore how we can build empathy into our teams by showing them "the why".

I'll do this with demos! We'll look at various Assistive Technologies (AT)  and Adaptive Strategies to explore what it's like for users with disabilities to navigate and experience the web. Not everyone has experienced a screen reader, screen magnifier, switch device, text-to-speech, TTY (phone communication), etc., and that's our challenge. Challenge accepted!

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