Code of Conduct Contact training

The Drupal Community Working Group is continuing to team up with Otter Tech to offer live, monthly, online Code of Conduct incident response training for the Drupal community.

The role of a Code of Conduct contact is to be available on behalf of a virtual or in-person event to take incident reports and assist event organizers in responding to Code of Conduct violations.

Drupal event organizers typically identify at least two unique individuals that agree to be Code of Conduct contacts to help create a safe and welcoming environment for their attendees. These contacts and their contact information are made available to attendees on the event website, through event emails, in event presentations, etc. so that attendees know who and how to approach if an incident occurs.

The training is designed to provide "first responder" skills to Drupal community members who take reports of potential Code of Conduct issues at Drupal events, including meetups, camps, conventions, and other gatherings. The workshops will be attended by Code of Conduct enforcement teams from other open-source events, which will allow cross-pollination of knowledge with the Drupal community.

Latest Code of Conduct Contact training

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