Calendar View Module for Organized Plans

Want to build a calendar in Drupal? It is now easier than ever. The Calendar View Module worked on by Matthieu Scarset  is displayed on If you want a quick demo checkout our Drupal events calendar page or the drucal website made by Matthieu

The Calendar Module is a lightweight solution known to render view results as a calendar table. It is compatible with any entity type and any date field type. There are zero dependencies other than Views core module. It uses exposed date filters for advanced control on content and limits in time. The calendar style respects default View rendering for fields or rendered entity.

Works with as many date fields as you want across all bundles. Works with View relationships too. Supports out-of-the-box:

  • Recurring events
  • Multi value date fields (i.e. unlimited cardinality)
  • Datetime range fields
  • Ajax navigation by month with a custom pager
Talking Drupal Podcast on  CalendarView with Matthieu Scarset


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