CTI Digital's Paul Johnson Addresses Digital Transformation and Carbon Impact Reporting

CTI Digital

"Visit Britain Digital Experience Platform at DrupalCon Lille" presentation by Paul Johnson, Drupal Director, CTI Digital

Drupal Director of CTI Digital, Paul Johnson, took the stage at DrupalCon Lille 2023 to discuss the role of CTI Digital in driving digital transformation at Visit Britain. Johnson and Marie Orpen, Visit Britain's Head of Digital, highlight their extensive Discovery Phase and the process that led to significant changes in public-facing websites and operational methods. In addition to these insights, Johnson also delves into the pressing issue of carbon impact reporting and the upcoming UK and EU legislation that will mandate such reporting.

The sessions Johnson attended emphasized the importance of tracking carbon emissions and optimizing web application performance, offering solutions to meet the requirements of new legislation and reduce the digital services' carbon impact.

CTI Digital's partner, Platform.sh, showcases its work with Nestle, tracking and reporting the carbon impact of Nestle's Drupal applications and hosting infrastructure. The presentation details the tools and techniques used to benchmark and improve the carbon footprint, making it a valuable learning resource for all concerned with sustainability in digital services.

These discussions come in light of new UK and EU legislation on carbon impact reports scheduled for 2024, compelling businesses to report emissions and reduce their carbon footprint. The session stresses that energy-efficient data centers, a shift towards green energy, and web application optimization are essential measures to align with these regulations and contribute to a greener future.

The presentation by Paul Johnson aligns with the global shift towards sustainability and emphasizes the pivotal role of digital agencies in reducing their carbon footprint and adopting greener practices. Learn more with "Visit Britain Digital Experience Platform at DrupalCon Lille."

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