Oliver Davies Explores Test-Driven Development in Drupal

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A Drupal professional, Oliver Davies delivers a pragmatic perspective on the essential practice of Testing-Driven Development (TDD) in the Drupal community. Emphasizing the pivotal role of testing, Davies underscores its capacity to facilitate the integration of new features, code edits, and refactoring without the anxiety of introducing regressions.

Drupal 7 utilizes the SimpleTest module for testing, while Drupal 8 onwards embraces PHPUnit, a widely recognized PHP testing framework. With testing standing as a core gate in Drupal's development process, Davies delves into the methodology and terminology of automated testing, guiding participants through a test-driven approach to building a Drupal module.

The video of the session "TDD - Test-Driven Drupal: an introduction to automated testing and test-driven development in Drupal" presented at DrupalCon Lille is now available on the Drupal Association's YouTube channel. The slides Davies used at the presentation are available on his blog.

As a resource for those seeking a deeper understanding, Davies offers a free 7-day email course dedicated to automated testing and test-driven development in Drupal.

Learn more here.

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