Drupal 9 Webhooks: Real-Time Integration

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Authored by Anurag Nagar for To The New, the blog post delves into Drupal 9's introduction of webhooks, a dynamic functionality enabling real-time connections between systems and fostering seamless integration with event-driven actions.

These webhooks serve as a communication bridge, enabling instantaneous interaction between Drupal and external systems, activated by specific events like content creation or user actions. When triggered by events, webhooks dispatch payloads (data about the event) to predefined endpoints, facilitating swift information exchange.

With the installation of the Webhooks module, Drupal 9 allows the configuration of sender and receiver webhooks. Sender webhooks inform external systems of events, such as content creation, by sending structured data to specified endpoints. Conversely, receiver webhooks actively listen for events from external systems, processing incoming data, like user registrations, within Drupal.

This robust functionality empowers Drupal 9 developers to establish and optimize real-time connections, augmenting integration capabilities and enabling seamless communication with external systems.

Read more here.

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