Automatically Transcribe Audio in Drupal with ECA and Open AI Chat GPT Integration

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The instructional video by DrupalEasy demonstrates a seamless process for automatically transcribing audio files within Drupal using the ECA module and Open AI Chat GPT integration. Primarily, the video outlines the steps to create a transcription of an audio file upon saving a node, necessitating an account with Open AI and the corresponding API keys. It details the creation of an audio content type and model, configuration of event click actions, addition of file entity to a token, retrieval of field values using a URI template, and the application of OpenAI for speech-to-text conversion, resulting in the transcribed text being saved into the transcription. The process's conclusion focuses on using a set field value for transcription, ensuring the entity is saved as a node, and the subsequent population of the transcription field while allowing the body field to remain empty.  

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