Innovative Border Detection Solutions Shine at Inno4Def Hackathon

IoT Hackathon

During a recent Inno4Def Hackathon titled "Battlefield of Things," hosted by the Belgian Army, Frederik Wouters and Jasper L. showcased their innovative prowess. The event, aimed at enhancing border surveillance technology, specifically in rainforest conditions, saw participants tasked with developing solutions to detect border crossings and integrate the data with existing command and control systems. Frederik, who is passionate about Digital Enterprise, technology, and sports, detailed the experience in a LinkedIn post. He highlights their preparation, which included exploring FreeTakServer and ATAK Clients, and their collaboration with onEdge NV for hardware support.

Despite the intense competition and lack of sleep, their project stood out for its operational ATAK server and seamless integration of a sensor management system with Drupal for IoT backend management. Acknowledging the support from Koen Ceulemans for organizing the event and onEdge NV's Jordy de Hoon for the hardware, Frederik expresses gratitude towards the community for the support. Moreover, Frederik and Jasper L.'s decision to open source their module for connecting Drupal to battle management systems underscores their commitment to contributing to the technological community. Read the full post here.

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