Help Organise DrupalCamp Asheville Remotely

DrupalCamp Asheville announced on twitter yesterday, the 1st of March 2023 a chance to remotely help organise Drupal Camp Asheville

Drupal Camp Asheville is an annual conference. This year it is to take place from  July 07 to 09, 2023 in Asheville, North Carolina, United States. 

The camp will focus on hands-on training, community contribution and knowledge sharing for all levels of Drupal experience, with a bonus community day spent together in nature. 

Just like most Drupal Camps, Drupal Camp Asheville depends on Drupal and community contribution. A helping hand is always appreciated and hence they are looking into receiving voluntarily contribution. Reach out if you want to join the Drupal Camp Asheville team.  Get in touch with them via the Drupal Camp Asheville website or through the slack channel

Drupal Camp Asheville is brought to you by the Asheville Drupal User Group.

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