Single Directory Component Initiative at DrupalCon Pittsburgh

Evolving Web

Working on Converting SDC Components at Contribution Day at DrupalCon Credit: Dharizza

Evolving Web has shared an insightful blog post titled "How to Convert Regular Components into Single Directory Components" authored by Dharizza Espinach. The blog takes readers through an enlightening journey, recounting the experiences of the Evolving Web team during Contribution Day at DrupalCon Pittsburgh 2023, where they focused on the initiative to transform Olivero components into Single Directory Components (SDC).

Contribution Day at DrupalCon Pittsburgh 2023 proved to be an opportunity for Drupal enthusiasts to delve into collaborative initiatives that advance the platform. Among the myriad of projects undertaken, the Evolving Web team led by Dharizza Espinach and her colleague Robert embarked on the task of converting Olivero components into SDC.

Olivero, Drupal's default front-end theme, is celebrated for its built-in accessibility features. The decision to work on the SDC initiative was driven by the promise it holds to simplify Drupal for front-end developers and lower the entry barrier for newcomers to the Drupal ecosystem.

The blog post offers readers a detailed walkthrough of the team's journey, demonstrating the steps involved in converting regular components into SDC. This conversion promises to enhance the Drupal experience for developers by streamlining the structure of components.

For those seeking further insights, the blog post also directs readers to the recording of the DrupalCon Pittsburgh session on Single Directory Components in Core by Mike Herchel and Mateu Aguiló. The session explores SDC as an experimental module within Drupal core, empowering developers to create components with all required files in a single directory.

For a deep dive into the Single Directory Component initiative and the experiences of the Evolving Web team, readers can access the complete blog post on the Evolving Web website.

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