Drupal Core Introduces VariationCache API for Improved Caching

Drupal Core introduced a significant change on September 4, 2023, by Kristiaan Van den Eynde, enhancing cache handling and offering greater flexibility for developers. In previous versions, the render cache was the primary cache capable of benefiting from cache contexts. To cache data with multiple variations other than a render array, developers had to manipulate the data to fit within a render array, making caching complex and less efficient. However, this latest update brings a new VariationCache API, allowing developers to cache data with cache contexts more easily, streamlining the process.

With the new API, developers can obtain a VariationCache from the VariationCacheFactory and use it to cache data, eliminating the need to transform data into render arrays. This simplification is a substantial improvement in caching efficiency, making Drupal more developer-friendly and adaptable to various caching scenarios. Additionally, it enhances the performance of Drupal-powered websites by enabling developers to cache complex data with ease.

This change in Drupal core aims to make caching more accessible for module developers. By introducing the VariationCache API, Drupal has significantly improved its caching capabilities, allowing developers to cache data efficiently without cumbersome workarounds. Learn more about the recent change here.

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