Pitchburgh Projects Update: Milestones Reached and Future Prospects


Alex Moreno has announced a refreshing update to the Pitchburgh projects as they approach their final milestones. Seeking to add a new dimension to the updates, Moreno has requested project leads to provide demos or videos, allowing them to explain their projects in their own words. This approach aims to offer insights into the technical aspects of the projects, making them more accessible to a broader audience.

Additionally, Moreno highlights the significance of the projects extending beyond the Pitchburgh funding, emphasizing their lasting value to the Drupal community. Among the completed projects, Kristiaan's Access Policy code has been successfully merged into the core, marking a significant milestone. Brad Jones' JSON API project, set to introduce code into Drupal core, aims to enhance Drupal's flexibility with NoSQL-like queries. Other projects, such as Decoupled LB and Gutenberg in Drupal, have made strides in improving UI experiences and integrating modern web technologies. Brian Perry's Drupal API project and AmyJune's mentorship initiatives further contribute to the ongoing development and expansion of Drupal's ecosystem.

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