Kaleem Clarkson Reflects on Years of Organising DrupalCamp Atlanta

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Over the years.

Kaleem Clarkson

After nearly 10 years of dedicated involvement in DrupalCamp Atlanta, Kaleem Clarkson, the Lead Organizer, has announced that DrupalCamp Atlanta 2023 will be his final event in this role. The DropTimes had the privilege of sitting down with him for an exclusive Zoom interview to reflect on his remarkable journey.

Clarkson's association with Southeast's largest Drupal Conference dates back to 2014, but his engagement with the Drupal community began even earlier. He fondly recalls that his Drupal journey started with a meetup when he had no prior knowledge of Drupal. However, that initial encounter ignited a passion that has driven him for 15 consecutive years.

In the interview, Clarkson delved into the key highlights and objectives of DrupalCamp Atlanta 2023, emphasizing its commitment to fostering collaboration, providing cutting-edge Drupal insights, and ensuring an inclusive environment for all attendees. Notably, this year's DCATL is an all-on-site event, without remote participation. Clarkson, who has been at the forefront of improving remote workspace experiences for other companies through Blendme Inc., mentioned that there's no substitute for the joy of in-person interactions.

As DCATL continues to evolve, attendees can look forward to a diverse array of sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities that mirror the ever-expanding Drupal landscape. As he prepares to pass the baton to the next generation of Drupalists, Clarkson also shared some of his most cherished moments from his time with DrupalCamp Atlanta and offered valuable advice to those who will carry the torch forward.

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