AI Takes Center Stage at DrupalCon Lille 2023, Shaping the Future of Drupal

a man talking in phone

DrupalCon Lille 2023 has sparked extensive conversations about integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into the world of Drupal. At the Acquia booth, they offered attendees the opportunity to chat with ChatDriesPT, an AI video chatbot that answers your questions about Drupal 10. Attendees were engaged in discussions, presentations, and live demos showcasing AI's potential within Drupal CMS. 

Notably, 168 AI-related modules, with 77 already compatible with Drupal 10, underscore the community's enthusiasm for AI integration. Even in sessions that didn't solely focus on AI, discussions invariably revolved around how AI will shape the future of Drupal and the broader digital landscape. This intersection of AI and Drupal promises innovation and the enhancement of user experiences.

Color photo of ChatDriesPT mobile interface at Acquia booth at DrupalCon Lille 2023
ChatDriesPT, a chatbot that would answers about Drupal 10 posed to it. 

The potential of AI in reshaping digital experiences was a key theme at the conference. AI can significantly impact businesses by offering personalised and engaging experiences to users. AI's ability to process vast amounts of data, learn patterns, and make intelligent decisions, when combined with a digital experience platform based on Drupal, can revolutionise customer engagement. It can enable personalisation, enhanced content management, improved search experiences, and data-driven insights, thereby elevating user satisfaction and loyalty. 

The Drupal community is actively exploring how AI can transform the platform into an intelligent and adaptive system capable of delivering seamless and personalised digital experiences. The conversations at DrupalCon reflect the excitement and anticipation surrounding AI's role in the future of Drupal and the broader digital world. For a detailed read, visit the Acquia blog post.

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