WebstanZ Empowers Team Building and Knowledge Exchange at DrupalCon Lille

DrupalCon Lille 2023

WebstanZ, a digital agency, recently sent Par Nicolas, one of its newest team members, to the European Drupal convention in Lille, France. Nicolas writes in his article that though initially hesitant due to being new to both the agency and the event, he quickly recognized the potential benefits. Attending the convention allowed Nicolas, serving as both Head of Operations and Project Manager, to immerse himself in the open-source Drupal community, gain insights into the product, understand different agency workflows, and foster a stronger bond with the team.

The Drupal convention in Lille drew nearly 1,500 participants from around the world for four days of discussions focused solely on Drupal. The event featured numerous sessions catering to specific audiences, such as programmers, business managers, and project managers. Nicolas participated in several sessions, gaining valuable insights into topics like integrating Artificial Intelligence into Drupal, effective agency management practices, and current standards on website accessibility. Additionally, Nicolas volunteered at the event, contributing time to support the community, which not only felt rewarding but also provided opportunities to connect with programmers from diverse backgrounds.

WebstanZ showcased a strong team spirit by sending over 20 employees to the convention, fostering a sense of excitement and unity. Nicolas highlighted the richness of exchanges with colleagues, emphasizing the value of team-building activities and the rare opportunity to spend meaningful time together. Overall, the experience reinforced Nicolas's dedication to WebstanZ and the rewarding aspects of contributing to the Drupal community. Read more here.

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