FLDC Session Spotlight: Mastering On-Demand Feature Deployments with Drupal

Florida DrupalCamp 2024

John Doyle, CEO and Drupal Architect at Digital Polygon, is set to lead a compelling session at the upcoming Florida DrupalCamp 2024. His topic: "2 Weeks is Too Long - On Demand Feature Deployments with Drupal." In this session, he will delve into the challenges of traditional 2+ week deployment cycles within Drupal and introduce a modern approach to on-demand feature deployments, emphasizing feature flags and configuration management to facilitate rapid releases. 

Attendees can look forward to gaining practical strategies to maintain code quality, compatibility, user experience, and insights into the benefits of shorter release cycles. The seminar promises to enhance attendees' understanding of on-demand feature deployments and their ability to optimize development efficiency and user satisfaction in Drupal projects. Learn more about the session by John Doyle here.

Disclosure: This content is produced with the assistance of AI.

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