Transitioning to Drupal 10: 'Skills Upgrade'—Talking Drupal Mini Series Finale
The final episode of the "Skills Upgrade" mini-series on Talking Drupal, marked the culmination of a D7 developer's transition to learning Drupal 10. In this episode, Chad Hester shared his experiences and key takeaways from the Smart Date test, while mentor Mike Anello discussed his approach to one-on-one mentorship compared to structured courses. Panelist AmyJune Hineline emphasized the potential for similar focused mentorship initiatives within the community.
Additionally, Chad discussed the most surprising aspects of modern Drupal, and Michael reflected on his learning throughout the series. The hosts, AmyJune Hineline and Nic Laflin facilitated discussions on how this journey could aid others in their Drupal learning paths. The episode also highlighted a special offer from The Linux Foundation, providing a 30% discount on e-learning courses and certifications that is valid until June 5th.
Disclosure: This content is produced with the assistance of AI.