Backdrop CMS 1.28.0 Introduces New Configuration Storage Options

Backdrop CMS 1.28.0 Introduces New Configuration Storage Options

Backdrop CMS 1.28.0 has been released, bringing significant enhancements to the platform, including new options for configuration storage. Laryn Kragt Bakker, Senior Developer at Aten Design Group, detailed the update, which allows users to choose between storing their configuration data in the file system or the database. This feature offers greater flexibility, enabling administrators to optimize performance based on their hosting environment. For instance, configurations can be stored on SSDs for speed or in databases for more specialized hosting setups like Pantheon, where repeated reading and writing operations are slower on distributed filesystems.

The update also improves the development process by allowing active configuration to be stored in the database, simplifying the workflow for developers working locally. This method facilitates easy snapshotting of the site’s content and configuration, enabling quick reversion to previous states without managing multiple components separately. The new Config Mover module, currently under development, promises to make it even easier to switch between configuration storage options, enhancing Backdrop's already flexible framework.

These advancements underscore Backdrop CMS's commitment to providing adaptable and efficient solutions for its users. The ability to choose the most suitable configuration storage method based on the specific hosting environment highlights Backdrop's versatility and responsiveness to user needs. Detailed information on the release and its features can be found in the official change record on the Aten Design Group website.

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