The DA, the NEDA and the Local Associations Initiatives Join Forces

Watch out for an interactive BoF session at DrupalCon Barcelona 2024
The DA, the NEDA and the Local Associations Initiative Join Forces

Local Associations, Camps, and initiatives come together during DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 for a joint Round table. This year's Round Table for Local Drupal Associations is a collaboration between the Network of European Drupal Associations (NEDA) the Local Associations Initiatives Project and the Drupal Association.

Joi Garrett and Esmeralda Tijhoff have joined forces to create an interactive BoF meeting scheduled on September 26, 2024, from 14:15 to 16:00 CEST. Two BoF sessions are scheduled back to back to give the participants enough time for in-depth discussions. Baddy Sonja Breidert and Imre Gmelig Meijling, both members of the DA, will open the meeting. Joi will share the ongoing work done for the Local Associations Initiatives Project. Esmeralda will talk about the start of NEDA and why groups like NEDA are critical to Drupal’s growth and engagement. With these introductions, the setting of the meeting is clear, and the CEO of the DA, Tim Doyle, will address the room for a short welcome. After all is said and done, the real work begins for the attendees.

Using break-out sessions, the attendees will brainstorm solutions to the community's challenges, such as Marketing, Organizing Events, and Multilingual Resources. The aim is to direct the collaborative discussions towards strategies to implement solutions and to explore new ways to better support local associations around the world. Joi and Esmeralda hope to walk away with a ‘To-do’ list for the DA and NEDA. 

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