Gatsby: The reactive site generator (and a live demo tour of how we got here)


Two years is a long time in the dev world and what was true in 2020 has likely changed… for the better! That’s why Shane Thomas, Product Manager at Gatsby, is taking you on a tour of some of the biggest news and updates that have turned Gatsby into the first Reactive Site Generator. This presentation takes a very large Drupal site and walks through decoupling with Gatsby and how it's improved over the last few years.

Join him to learn more about: 

  • SSR & DSG 
  • The improved Content Preview experience 
  • Image CDN 
  • Script Component 
  • Build Performance Improvements (Incremental Deploys & Accelerated sourcing)

As a bonus, Shane will be unveiling a new product (codenamed Valhalla) that will help shape the way you modernize your website stack.

Basic knowledge of JavaScript and React is preferred. Gatsby knowledge is also preferred but not required.

Audience Level: Intermediate | Topic: Developer | Timeslot: 4:00 - 4:45 PM | Conf Day: Session Day 2022 | Room: New Hampshire

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